Friday, March 23, 2012


Thank Goodness it's Friday! Seriously, I'm just tired this week.  I've had a couple nights of bad sleep, plus a couple of nights that I didn't get to bed on time, plus the liver biopsy- adds up to a tired momma!

This weekend Zoe and I are going to Rylee's 1st birthday! We'll get to see family that we haven't seen in a while.  That will be super fun. But then we'll have to come back early Sunday so I can be sure to have baking, etc done so Zoe has all her replacement food for school.  I already made fig balls last night, so she can have those during the week for a snack, but I'll make applesauce/carrot muffins as well and maybe a loaf of bread if time permits.  So far she's been really liking her gluten free food.  This morning she asked for a gluten free bar for us to share.  Such a cute and smart kid- just when you think she's not paying attention! Honestly, before all this she really didn't have much to do with bread or most things that contain gluten- but now she's loving her gluten free muffin and waffles and such.  And the few things she liked that had gluten I've found ways to make it myself or a good substitute and she's happy.  Like we already talked about the birthday cake at Rylee's party will not be 'safe' for our body.  So instead we are bringing our homemade marshmallows and fig balls for our treats.  She was hopping around excited about that!  So, yea, I think she will fair just fine.

Monday is my appointment with the thyroid surgeon.  I guess it's just a meeting and then I have to go back for the actual biopsy?  I don't know.  He's supposed to get all my records in advance, so maybe he'll do the biopsy at the same time.  If it's like the other thyroid biopsies I've had, there's not much to it.  Just numb the throat and jab it a few times with an open needle (just fills it up with thyroid tissue).  uncomfortable, but not a huge deal and done in a minute.  So...Hoping it's all done at once.  Would be nice to reduce the time off from work I'm taking.  I REALLY don't want to lose this job!

Then Wednesday is my follow up with Dr Sperling (gastro).  I will find out what stage I'm in with the PBC.  Hoping for stage 1!!!! We'll see.  And HOPEFULLY I find out what else is going on.  Not that I want something else to be there, but, given my numbers, there IS something else and I am just about sick of tests! So I'm really hoping the biospy gave them enough information to say what else it is...

Think that's it for the Friday update. :) Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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