Friday, March 9, 2012

Surprising how much stuff has gluten

TRUE Gluten Free Diet Guidelines – Avoid All of These…
Barley (malt)
Durum (semolina)
Corn (maize)* (for a list of hidden corn ingredients, go here <<<)
Rice (does not include wild rice varieties but does include brown rice)*
*These grains are classically considered gluten free, but are not recommended on a TRUE gluten free diet.  If you would like to learn more about why these other grains should be avoided, watch the following video <<<
*** These items are technically not grains, but are at high risk for cross contamination and not recommended on a TRUE gluten free diet unless verification can be obtained.  These pseudo cereals are also very high in glutamic acid and should be discouraged as substitutes for patients with neurological symptoms.
Misc. Food Additives or Processed Foods That Can Contain Gluten
Modified food starch
Textured vegetable protein
Hydrolyzed plant protein
Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate
Hydroxypropylated Starch
Pregelatinized starch
Vegetable gum
Vegetable protein
Extenders and binders
Maltodextrin (wheat or corn based)
Non Dairy Creamer
Seasonings (check labels)
Natural Flavors
Smoke flavors
Artificial Flavors
Natural Colors
Artificial Colors
Caramel color and flavoring
Soy Sauce
Bouillon cubes or stock cubes
Candy may be dusted with wheat flour; ask.
Canned soups – Most are not acceptable.
Cheese spreads & other processed cheese foods.
Chocolate – may contain malt flavoring.
Cold cuts, Wieners, Sausages – may have gluten due to cereal fillers.
Dip mixes
Dry sauce mixes
Honey Hams – can be based with wheat starch in coating.
Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt – check all dairy.  Cows are fed grains and many react to dairy for this reason.  Grass fed dairy recommended (or avoid dairy altogether).
Instant Teas & Coffees – cereal products may be included in the formulation.
Mayonnaise – check thickener and grain based vinegar ingredients
Mustard – Mustard powder may contain gluten
Oil, frying – Check for cross contamination or corn based oils.
Poultry and meats – Check out the flavorings and basting and inquire about meat glue
Sour cream – May contain modified food starch of indeterminate source.
Dry roasted nuts & honey roasted nuts
French fries in restaurants – Same oil may be used for wheat-containing items.
Gravies – check out thickening agent and liquid base.
Vitamin supplements (different brands contain grain based ingredients – check the labels carefully)
Baking powder (commonly contains grain – wheat or corn)
The Grasses -
Many people want to use wheat, barley, rye, and oat grass (not the seed) as a supplement in the diet.  Technically, these do not contain gluten as they are the grass part of the plant.  However; it is recommended that these be avoided to prevent the possibility of cross contamination.
Alcoholic Beverages that contain gluten-
Malted beverages
Grain based spirits (many claim that distillation removes gluten…Gluten Free Society recommends avoidance regardless)
Non Edible Items That May Contain Gluten (Read Your Labels)-
Stamps & envelopes
Hairspray & Shampoo
Pet Food
Medications & Vitamins
Is There Gluten in Dairy?
Research has identified that gluten from mother’s milk passes into the dairy of humans.  A majority of gluten sensitive individuals do not tolerate milk or dairy based foods.  The staple diet for commercial dairy cows is grain.  Whether or not glutens from feeding cows grain crosses into dairy is still in question and has not been adequately studied.    That being said, common sense of the obvious should supersede the decision to use dairy.  Gluten Free Society recommends only dairy that comes directly from pasture fed cows if any at all.  For more in depth information on this topic, please listen to the following 2 part interview between Dr. Peter Osborne and Dr. Rodney Ford:
Part 1
Part 2
****Note – their is no such thing as a complete comprehensive list of food items that contain gluten.  Manufacturers regularly change their ingredients, mislabel, have product recalls, etc.  This is why Gluten Free Society’s stance is to avoid processed and packaged foods as much as possible as well as to avoid eating out as much as possible.  You cannot control the mistakes or ethical considerations of others.

My source:

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